In an effort to recognise women as the unsung heroes of the manufacturing industry, Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) launched the award for the first time this year and received an overwhelming response from women in the 14 training sectors that it oversees. Toth won the award alongside automotive apprentice Kelly Byford and laboratory technologist Elaine Lees. The 22-year-old Toth is currently studying gemmology with the Gemmological Association of Australia and is the only woman in her TAFE class to be learning setting and manufacturing.
Toth’s employer and mentor at Sydney-based gem setter AE Design, Apkar Ervan, nominated her for the award. She currently works as an apprentice at AE Design and attributes a large part of her success to Ervan’s belief in her.
Toth first started dabbling in the jewellery industry seven years ago when she worked in a retail store. In 2005, she was the first person in her school to have her work selected for the Art Express exhibition and to be shortlisted for display in the National Gallery of Australia. In 2008, she started her apprenticeship as a jeweller learning manufacturing and repairs. She then took the unprecedented step of specialising in gemstone setting.