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Search Results - Australian Jewellery Sales Analysis

your search of 'Australian Jewellery Sales Analysis' has 33 results.

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Diamond jewellery was once again identified as an area of concern, decreasing by 30 per cent on a year-on-year comparison and 13 per cent when compared with 2022. | Source: Adobe Stock

Room for improvement: Latest Australian jewellery sales trends

Recent sales analysis has highlighted some critical areas for improvement for Australia’s independent jewellery stores. Read more »
Sales at Australia’s independent jewellery retailers experienced a modest decline, according to the latest analysis from Retail Edge Consultants. | Source: Adobe Stock

Diamond jewellery sales remain a concern for Aussie retailers

Sales at Australia’s independent jewellery retailers experienced a modest decline in April, according to the latest analysis from Retail Edge Consultants. Read more »
The latest analysis of the Australian jewellery market by Retail Edge Consultants has unearthed some intriguing trends. | Source: Adobe Stock

Proceed with caution: Latest Australian jewellery sales insights

The latest analysis of the Australian jewellery market by Retail Edge Consultants has unearthed some intriguing trends. Read more »
This report comes after an 11 per cent decline in sales dollars in December amid consumer concerns about inflation and cost of living pressures. | Source: Pixabay

Consumer confidence: Intriguing sales performance for jewellers

Retail Edge has published its latest analysis of independent jewellery stores in Australia for January, detailing another modest decline in sales performance. Read more »
Across more than 400 independent retailers in Australia, overall sales dollar performance declined by 1.2 per cent compared with the past year. | Source: Shutterstock

Pleasing trends in jewellery sales ahead of holiday season

As jewellery retailers prepare for the year's busiest period, Retail Edge has published a review of November’s jewellery sales, detailing several positive trends. Read more »
The latest data, collected from more than 400 independent stores, revealed a 4.4 per cent decline in comparative overall sales dollars on a year-on-year comparison. | Source: Freepik

Australian jewellery retailers wrestling with decreasing sales

The September analysis of the Australian jewellery market from Retail Edge has uncovered another decline in sales performance. Read more »
Overall sales performance decreased by six per cent on a year-on-year comparison; however, it improved by 58 per cent compared with 2021. | Source: Freepik

Tough sledding: Australian jewellery sales decline in August

The latest analysis of the Australian jewellery retail market by Retail Edge has confirmed declining sales across August. Read more »
Sales dollars of precious metal jewellery without a gemstone decreased by 21 per cent compared with 2022. Silver and alternative metals jewellery decreased by 7 per cent; however, increased by 23 per cent on a two-year comparison.

Jewellery sales decline in July, consumer confidence on the rebound

The latest analysis from Retail Edge highlighted declining sales across more than 400 Australian independent jewellery stores, despite recent positive trends in consumer confidence. Read more »
Data from June shows comparative overall sales dollar performance returned to positive territory, improving by five per cent compared with 2022 and eight per cent on the two-year difference.

Cause for celebration for jewellery retailers

There’s optimism in the air for retailers following the latest sales analysis of Australia’s independent jewellery stores from Retail Edge, highlighted by a bounce-back. Read more »
The comparative average sale in inventory managed to reach positive territory, improving by half a per cent to $200 from $199. | Source: Retail Edge

Retail Edge urges caution in the latest market assessment

The latest performance analysis of more than 400 independent Australian jewellery stores has been released by Retail Edge, identifying a further softening of sales. Read more »
The data from April shows comparative overall sales dollar performance fell into negative territory with an 11 per cent decline on a one-year comparison. | Source: Shutterstock

Weakened sales headlines April for jewellery retailers

Retail Edge’s analysis of the sales performance in more than 400 independent Australian jewellery stores has revealed a softening of sales. Read more »
Retail Edge’s data is collected from more than 400 independent Australian jewellery stores and of note in the March analysis, 27 per cent of sales lines were discounted. Photo: Shutterstock

Modest sales wins for Australian jewellery retailers

The latest analysis of sales performance in Australian independent jewellery stores from Retail Edge has uncovered minor positive trends. Read more »
February’s eagerly anticipated data shows comparative overall sales dollar performance finished in positive territory with an increase of 1.6 per cent compared with 2022 and 7 per cent on the two-year difference.

Optimism following February’s retail jewellery analysis

Retail Edge’s latest analysis of sales performance in Australian independent jewellery stores has revealed positive trends in February. Read more »
In December comparative overall sales dollars were steady on a year-by-year comparison with 2021, improving by 0.6 per cent, and climbing by 3 per cent compared with 2020.

Australian jewellery sales steady in December

Retail Edge has released its analysis of the performance of the Australian jewellery market in December, noting a modest climb in sales. Read more »
The performance report shows that comparative overall sales dollars increased by 28 per cent compared with July of 2021 and 11 per cent compared with July of 2020.

Major increase in sales for Aussie retailers

Retail Edge has released the sales performance report for July, revealing significant positive indicators for domestic retailers. Read more »

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