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Tumblr: Blog your brand. Brand your blog
Posted March 12, 2013 |
Personality and prettiness seem to be the most valued features of a good
blog, making it an ideal medium for the jewellery industry.
Your online business activities are no different to marketing; they should be geared towards getting a return on investment. Whether retailers are doing it themselves or use external people to write and maintain blogs, it still remains an investment that must achieve a return to remain viable.
Knowing your niche is essential. Getting a lot of traffic to your blog might feel good and caress your ego, but if your blog is to be an effective part of your business plan, you have to know exactly who you want reading it.
“When defining your own audience, understanding who it is that you want to write to as opposed to who it is that you are actually writing to will help establish your preferred connections,” writes Sherilynn Macale for thenextweb.com. “You have the power to draw in the types of readers you want by simply reaching out to them as if they are already there.”
Don’t change your views or tone because you don’t think your audience has tuned into what you’re doing. It’s a cinematic cliché, but if you stay true to yourself and start becoming what you aspire to be from the beginning, you just might speed up the process of getting there and picking up your ideal audience.
Keep it pretty While great opinion pieces can be shared around the blogosphere and increase traffic to your page, there is no denying blogging is becoming more image-centric since Tumblr’s explosion in the popularity. Luckily for you, brilliant presentation of pretty products is what the jewellery industry does best.
Make your blog or Tumblr a more homespun version of your website, keep the branding consistent but make it feel warmer and more personable. Share photos frequently, work with Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to have consistency across all social media and ensure none of your followers miss out on what you’re doing.
Get Google Analytics If you’ve had any sort of website in the past and remotely cared about your traffic, you should already be familiar with Google’s free website analytics service. You should join it with your blog too. It will show you how many views your pages are getting, how long users stay on your site, and where your visitors are coming from. All this information can help you improve your blog.
Show off your users If you are starting to get high page view numbers, or have a lot of subscribers, then tell people about it. Either post about a record month of page views with links to metric proof, or display a subscriber box that displays your follower numbers or Facebook fans – it’s an optional widget on many blogging platforms. People naturally follow trends and where the crowd is going, so this is a simple way of professing authority and growing your reader base.
Keep going If you’ve done everything above, you should be well on your way to seeing a real return on investment from your blog. Now you’ve just got to keep it up. Continue to monitor what works and what doesn’t and encourage conversation about your products; and don’t stop interacting with followers. Blogging can be the most personal platform of social media, so show the world your company’s personality. i
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