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Feature Stories, New Products

2012 Top Products

Throughout 2012, our weekly New Products Thursday enewsletter showcased more than 300 new jewellery and watch products. As journalists, it’s interesting to see what readers find popular – and what they don’t – and the online world allows us to track that information.
So, here are this year’s top 10 most popular products, based on the number of times each story was accessed and read online across the year. Naturally, products we covered early in the year might have a slight edge as they have had more time to be seen. Nevertheless, Pandora was again a dominant brand, taking out the top two places. But many local brands, like Uberkate, were hot on its heels.

The variety across the rest of the list highlights the broad tastes of our readers, with fashion watches, diamond rings and animal pendants all generating much interest.

1. pandora

2. Pandora


4. ellani

5. peter w beck

6. disney couture

7. bella donna silver

8.sparkle impex

9. ice-watch

10. guess

Check out Jeweller's New Products Thursday Pinterest board here!

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