Pink Diamonds exhibition lights up Melbourne
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One diamond that's sure to be popular with on-lookers is the 2.83-carat Argyle Violet, an oval-shaped one-of-a-kind beauty with a colour grading of fancy deep grayish bluish violet - the only violet diamond from the Argyle Mine to receive this grading from the Gemological Institute of America.

The exhibition also includes the 2.83-carat Argyle Violet, which is the largest and most valuable violet diamond recovered to date from the Argyle mine and is a diamond of historic significance in size, colour and clarity. It's GIA certified as Fancy Deep Greyish Bluish Violet.

Argyle Violet and Pink roughs alongside the carefully cut diamonds. Source: LJ West

Lynley Crosswell, director Museums Victoria

Larry West, President, L.J. West Diamonds

William Gant, LJ West Australia

A sneak preview of the array of diamonds on display, including the famous Argyle Violet, at Melbourne Museum.
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