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Membership mystery: ABC Refinery & the Responsible Jewellery Council

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ABC Refinery - the Pallion Group company at the centre of a $200 million legal battle with the Australian Taxation Office - claims to be a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council, however; there is no evidence to support this.

The ABC Refinery website page clearly states that the company is a RJC member.

The Palloys website could be misleading and deceptive given that it is not the "only jewellery wholesaler and manufacturer to be certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council". There are eight other Australian members some of which are accredited wholesalers and manufacturers.

The RJC 'find a member' function confirms that Palloys and Goldenage International are members, but records '0 results' against a search of ABC Refinery. A search by country will show a total of nine Australian members.

Geoff Fowlstone, Pallion's crisis communications and reputation management consultant

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