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Websites not implementing these new tactics are missing opportunities for increased sales.
Websites not implementing these new tactics are missing opportunities for increased sales.

The missing piece of the puzzle for your website

Are you ready to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level? THOMAS YOUNG discusses the hottest new tools available to increase the impact of business websites.

Digital marketing strategy and business websites have come a long way in the past 20 years.

Website designs have improved significantly, the quality of content has consistently increased, and many websites have robust resource sections.

This is progress; however, there is always room for improvement – and chances are your business’ website is no exception.

There are several often-overlooked areas where business websites can improve. The purpose behind these updates is to add value to visitors' experience and improve your results from digital marketing.

Interactive call-to-action forms

Well-thought-out interactive submissions encourage visitors to your website to answer a series of questions. These programs are great for consumers because they allow them to communicate what is most important to them.

They are also great for your business because you’re provided with a detailed rundown from a customer who has clarified their needs before engaging with your staff.

There are many examples of how these forms work and can improve sales conversion rates when executed effectively. Tools of this nature can also be used for lead generation.

Book a meeting directly

Modern consumers are impatient and want fast results. The internet has changed our culture, and consumers have new expectations when interacting with businesses.

"Including a live chat function evolves your business website from an online brochure to an interactive tool to improve sales and customer rapport."

People don’t want to wait for a response; they want immediate confirmation, which applies to appointments and consultations.

Rather than submitting a form, sending an email, or leaving a voicemail, why not offer your customers the option to schedule a meeting directly on your website?

While most jewellery customers will expect an in-person consultation, make sure you present the opportunity for a Zoom meeting, too. The COVID pandemic accelerated the acceptance of video conferencing, and for many consumers, it's preferred.

Live chat

An increasing number of consumers are using live chat services when online.

Live chat can capture email addresses and engage with users at any time of the day or night.

HubSpot’s AI chat feature offers communication with visitors and additional reporting so you better understand the customer's needs.

Including a live chat function evolves your business website from an online brochure to an interactive tool to improve sales and rapport with customers.

Other tools to consider

If you’d like to generate improved sales with a more effective digital marketing strategy, consider the following programs for your website.

• Consumers do not see heat mapping; however, the data gathered allows you to observe users interacting with your website and its content.

This data offers insight into areas of improvement and highlights which strategies are working effectively. These programs take the guesswork out of determining what customers want from your website. Two excellent heat mapping tools are CrazyEgg and HotJar.

• Geolocation tools on your website allow people to find your location quickly and offer further information on where your potential customers are coming from. Have you felt the frustration of reviewing a business website and struggling to find a store location?

The location of your store should always be immediately apparent when visiting your website, and conversely, collecting information on where your customers are based is valuable data.

• You may remember the phrase ‘content is king.’ Times have changed, and the new and improved phrase is ‘user intent is king.’ Your landing pages will only perform well if they match user intent.

People will likely leave websites if they don’t immediately see what they want on any page. This is why dedicated landing pages are so important for Google Ads and social media marketing success.

An increasing trend in Google Analytics reports is that website visitors want to get information from a single landing page. They are averse to clicking on navigation menus and would instead get value from the page they are reviewing.

The increasing use of smartphones impacts this behaviour because visiting multiple pages from a smaller device is difficult.

Your website is never done! It must be constantly evolving and improving.

Websites not implementing these new tactics are missing opportunities for increased sales. Review your strategy in these key areas and determine whether your business can benefit from implementing new tools.

More reading:
The six keys to creating a website that improves your sales
The simple website element that can boost sales and customer loyalty
Is your website sending customers to your competitors
How to identify and fix your website’s most common SEO problems
The hidden power of your website’s FAQ page



Thomas Young

Contributor • Intuitive Websites

Thomas Young is CEO of Intuitive Websites. He has more than 25 years’ marketing and sales experience. Learn more:

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