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Jeweller: December Issue

It’s been a long, hard year for the Australian and New Zealand jewellery industries and while Australia has not gone into recession technically, there is no doubt that many jewellers have fallen on hard times. However it's not all doom and gloom. 


Jeweller went in search of retailers who are proving that business isn’t that bad, especially if you view the glass as half-full. 

Our December issue also has some great stories on how you can improve sales. Including how social media website Pinterest is now being used for selling. 

We also ask, what's better for the business? A fully-trained retail wiz-kid or a family member who has grown up in the jewellery business? There are also our regular columns offering valuable advice about better managing your jewellery store.

Subscribers and JAA members should have already received Jeweller’s December issue in the mail and can also access all stories online. Are you missing out?



Our Premium Members - Subscribers and JAA members - Simply login to “unlock” all the current stories. Not only does Jeweller keep you updated on the most recent news, Premium Membership also allows you access to  eight years of archived content including valuable business management articles. 


For example, you may have missed last year’s special issue, “Tips to Treasure: A handbook of small tips for BIG returns” however you can still read the stories online. The special issue contained dozens of tips from international jewellery experts including great advice on:
   •    10 tips to move old stock
   •    37 awesome sales tips
   •    10 reasons why jewellers lose customers
   •    34 ways to improve your marketing
   •    15 tips for better staff management
   •    How to work better with your suppliers

Want to read the "Tips to Treasure" issue or the December stories below? Not a subscriber? Want to be able to read any story, anytime, anywhere then click here.

Better still, you can choose how you read Australia and New Zealand’s Number #1 industry source – magazine, computer, iPhone, iPad or all of the above.




This month's issue




Thriving, not just surviving

When times are tough, and during market corrections or periods of great economic change, savvy businesses can actually position themselves ahead of the competition and succeed not despite the current market conditions, but because of them. Dean Millard went in search of jewellery retailers who are taking advantage of opportunities and are thriving, not just surviving. Read more.

iwatch out for the next game-changer

Rumours are rife about Apple launching an iWatch and it wouldn’t be the first time a computer company entered the watch market; Microsoft tried and failed. Coleby Nicholson asks, would an Apple iWatch be a game-changer? Read more.

are good retailers created or crafted?

What's better for the business? A fully-trained retail wiz-kid or a family member who has grown up in the business? Jeff Salton reports. Read more.

gemstones of dÉcor: ornamental gems

The minerals and rocks known collectively as the ornamental gemstones are grouped together because they normally lack transparency. They owe their attraction to the colour, texture or pattern they possess. Often, it can even be a mix of these qualities. Read more.

pinterest social media eye-candy

Billed as the fastest-ever growing social media platform, Pinterest has some retailers attributing sales to its popularity. Jeff Salton reports. Read more.

2012 top products

Throughout 2012, our weekly New Products Thursday enewsletter showcased more than 300 new jewellery and watch products. As journalists, it’s interesting to see what readers find popular – and what they don’t – and the online world allows us to track that information. Read more.

Tackling the tricky customer

After a lifetime in jewellery retail, Margaret Fay of Fay’s Jewellers in Davenport shares some industry knowledge about the little things that make a retailer’s day run smoothly. Read more.

paying for effort

For a business to stand out to its customers, it must first stand out to its staff, according to Tony Gattari. Read more.

v is for valentine

The busiest time of the year for jewellers does not finish with Christmas. Nicholas Arnold urges jewellery retailers to start planning their Valentine's Day displays now. Read more.

time for a service

In this month's Data Digest column, David Brown discusses how jewellery retailers can fine-tune their business motors in 2013. Read more.

sentiments rule, ok

Barry Urquhart argues that when it comes to retail projections, economists need to take more into consideration than numbers. Read more.

customer delight

Creating a lasting, positive customer experience is all about exceeding customer expectations every time, according to US sales trainer and author Stu Schlackman. Read more.



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