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Search Results - Melissa Megginson

your search of 'Melissa Megginson' has 3 results.

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Judging vanity metrics on Instagram: Is it still vanity if it works?

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Crunch the numbers: understand your social media data

Businesses that understand how to interpret social media data can unlock valuable customer insights. In part two of this series on Instagram marketing, MELISSA MEGGINSON shows how to use data to make better decisions. Read more »
Define your brand voice before filling your Instagram feed

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Reach more customers with Instagram

Instagram is a great tool to build connections and engage with people but consistency is key. MELISSA MEGGINSON reports on how retailers can use a few simple tools to get in on this important phenomenon. Read more »
Pinterest is ideal for jewellers but don't be fooled by the myths

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Don’t be fooled by Pinterest myths

Pinterest operates differently to other social media platforms and, as MELISSA MEGGINSON states, understanding these differences is crucial to maximising impact on this powerful ideas platform. Read more »

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