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Search Results - Naomi Levin

your search of 'Naomi Levin' has 15 results.

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Thomas Sabo

Feature Stories
White metal jewellery is hot

Can white metal jewellery get any hotter next year? Naomi Levin explores what the 2012 trends will be and why the ‘whites’ will get even more popular. Read more »
Holloway Diamonds' energy efficient lighting

Feature Stories
Do consumers really care?

Is ethical jewellery another one of those buzz words, or is it a serious phenomenon that customers care deeply about? Naomi Levin investigates Read more »
Emerging jewellery designers could give your store a unique point of difference. | Source: Vista Create

Feature Stories
Creative, young and hungry

Emerging jewellery designers could give your store a unique point of difference. Naomi Levin finds out how the industry can make better use of these new talents Read more »
Tiffany & Co's iconic little blue box

Feature Stories
Secrets of jewellery branding success

Sure, Tiffany’s little blue box is the most powerful jewellery branding icon in the world – but how can smaller manufacturers, suppliers and retailers cash in on the cachet of brands? Naomi Levin reports. Read more »

Feature Stories
Jewellery branding: how has it evolved?

The shift towards brands has been swift and some jewellers have yet to catch up. Naomi Levin investigates how industry relationships are evolving. Read more »
Security that hardware can't buy

Feature Stories
How your staff can help prevent store theft

Do you know how your own jewellery sales staff can offer better security than CCTV, alarms, padlocks and glass cases? Naomi Levin gets some expert advice on what every jewellery store should know about reducing instances of theft. Read more »
An 'Exceptional' gem opal

Feature Stories
Opal: Australia's troubled gemstone

For decades opals have had a bad wrap. Too many of the poor quality stones have been inlaid into poorly constructed, kitsch tourist jewellery. Naomi Levin reports. Read more »
Ole Lynggaard

Feature Stories
Personalised jewellery evolution

Personalised jewellery is evolving as consumer demand shows no sign of abating in 2011. Naomi Levin discovers how jewellers can tap into this burgeoning area of the market. Read more »
Main Hermitage diamonds from Storch and Co

Feature Stories
Diamond branding dilemmas

Branding might have boomed in some jewellery categories,but can it really succeed on the same level for diamonds? Naomi Levin investigates the barriers and benefits. Subscription required. Read more »

Feature Stories
Jewellery as an emotional statement

All jewellery purchases are considered emotional ones, but some lines, such as charm bracelets, really tap into feelings of love and family. Naomi Levin explains. Read more »

Feature Stories
Aisle of adornment

A wedding day is fleeting, but wedding jewellery is forever. NAOMI LEVIN takes a look at the dazzling array of options on hand for this season’s brides. Read more »

Feature Stories
Watch market finds fashion brands

Fashion brands continue to power into the watch market with outrageous, eye-catching styles aimed at capturing discretionary spend. NAOMI LEVIN reports. Read more »

Feature Stories
Diamonds sales down, right?

Perhaps someone forgot to tell to tell all those young couples about the global financial crisis. NAOMI LEVIN reports on the buoyant sales of engagement rings. Read more »
Renee Blackwell

Feature Stories
Jewellery's new hunters and collectors

Sifting markets looking for special treasures or harvesting ancient seeds to make modern jewellery, NAOMI LEVIN speaks to three women who are not only jewellers, but hunters and collectors. Read more »
Eva Longoria

Feature Stories
The star attraction

Movie stars, pop singers and sports champions are modern-day idols, worshipped as much for the lifestyle they represent as for their achievements. How are jewellers capitalising on these celebrities to market their products? NAOMI LEVIN reports. Read more »

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