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Search Results - Australian Gemstones

your search of 'Australian Gemstones' has 8 results.

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Australian Gemstones
Colour investigation: Opal

The quality of colour can be dissected into vibrancy, evenness, pattern and, in some cases, uniqueness; however, what on earth causes it? This series is dedicated to exploring the different causes of colour in gemstone minerals. STACEY LIM reports. Read more »
Image courtesy: Garry Holloway, Holloway Diamonds

Australian Gemstones
Down Under Gemstones: The Aussie Diamond

Australia currently ranks as the world’s third-largest producer of diamonds by weight and is estimated to supply 20-million carats this year, mostly from the underground operation at the Argyle mine. MEGAN AUSTIN reports. Read more »
Deposits can be found in Western Australia and South Australia but the finest quality chrysoprase originates from the Marlborough district in Queensland

Australian Gemstones
Getting to know Chrysoprase: the Australian jade

The GAA’s Australian gemstone series continues with chrysoprase, a gemstone that is said to bring good fortune and prosperity to those who wear it. MEGAN AUSTIN reports. Read more »
Designers from all over the world derive inspiration from the rainbow of colours seen in Australian opal

Australian Gemstones
Aussie gemstones: Opal

It is said that opal is the luckiest gemstone of all because it contains the colour of every other gemstone. According to MEGAN AUSTIN, this really does make Australia the lucky country for it provides more than 95 per cent of the world’s opal. Read more »
Public interest has intesified for coloured diamonds

Australian Gemstones
Coloured diamonds: the rising stars

More than 110 million carats of diamonds are mined each year but only 2,000 carats are fancy-coloured diamonds. Megan Austin reports on the real rock stars of the gemstone world.   Read more »
Jewellers are advised to avoid prolonged heat and ultrasonic processes when mending and making opal jewellery

Australian Gemstones
Opal rumour, myth and mystery

Will the Australian opal industry ever outgrow its association with poor quality, mass-produced triplet jewellery? And what about those rumours that opal is bad luck? Megan Austin goes digging. Read more »
Images from Cody Opal Australia

Australian Gemstones
The art of opal cutting

Australia’s national gemstone is also one of the most complicated to cut. GAA opal experts Anthony Smallwood and John Krook explain why it is an art form in its own right. Read more »
Pieces by Margot McKinney, Australia's queen of opals Images: Margot McKinney

Australian Gemstones
Opal: Australia's national gemstone

Australia is the world leader in opal production and produces 95 per cent of the precious gemstone. As such, opal is regarded Australia’s national gemstone. Read more »

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