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your search of 'Business' has 144 results.

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Any successful AI implementation requires you to have a clear purpose and measurable goal. What do you intend AI to accomplish?

Take customer experience to a new level: Part II

Artificial Intelligence has changed the retail game. JEANNIE WALTERS reveals why it’s important to stay on top of evolving trends. Read more »
Retailers are some of the most resilient people in the world. There is no limit to what you can do when you put your mind to it.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part III

When did you last reflect on your marketing strategy? GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER return for the final chapter of this series. Read more »
Getting your stock assortment right is a delicate dance. Yes, holiday classics like festive decorations and timeless gifts are must-haves.

Getting ready for the most important time of year

The holiday period is often crucial for jewellery retailers. DAVID BROWN explains how to put your best foot forward. Read more »
We complain once a minute during a normal conversation. And the more we complain, the more likely we are to continue complaining.

How to break out of a frustrating sales slump

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? RYAN ESTIS explains how you can get back on top. Read more »
Perception can make you, and it can also break you. The perception your price creates can help you or hurt you in several ways.

Pricing is the strategic weapon of your business

Is your business selling itself short? DAVE WAKEMAN explores some essential considerations when pricing products in your jewellery store. Read more »
To fix an issue, we must understand how it occurred.

Lessons in psychology from Charlie Munger

To fix an issue, we must understand how it occurred. DAVID BROWN explores the psychology behind decision-making. Read more »
Optimising your email content is essential for achieving higher conversion rates.

Understanding the importance of email marketing in sales generation

Looking for a new strategy to improve sales at your jewellery store? ALEX FETANAT outlines the value of email marketing campaigns. Read more »
If you’re facing a complicated obstacle, the best move is to break the solution down into simple steps.

Finding something difficult? Search for simplicity!

If you’re facing a complicated obstacle, the best move is to break the solution down into simple steps. SHEP HYKEN explains the value of simplifying complex tasks. Read more »
The time has come to embrace a new strategy.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part II

The time has come to embrace a new strategy. GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER continue the series on marketing makeovers. Read more »
Understanding AI is not just about keeping pace with technology; it’s about leading the charge in innovation and personalisation and advocating for customers simultaneously.

Take customer experience to a new level: Part I

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping retail. JEANNIE WALTERS explains how your business can benefit from AI programs. Read more »
Millions of people did not wake up for work in early May because Apple failed to make the alarm on their iPhones work correctly.

Should you have become alarmed by Apple’s failure?

Technological failures often reveal ?aws in conventional wisdom. GRAHAM JONES encourages you to think outside the box. Read more »
People tend to return to stores because of how they feel in a particular location, and more often than not, how they feel about a store involves the people who work there.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part I

Is your business ready for change? GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER encourage you to embrace a new marketing strategy at your store. Read more »
A business that meets the fundamental human needs is more likely to thrive and create lasting value for all stakeholders.

Understanding the six basic human needs

We’re not so different, you and I. DAVID BROWN outlines the fundamental desires of customers and employees. Read more »
When it comes to communication, our language sends messages beyond the words themselves.

Are you talking to me?

Looking to improve your sales? Consider fine-tuning your approach to communication. DALE FURTWENGLER discusses the art of language. Read more »
High performance is not just a focus for this month, this quarter, or this year. It’s a mindset, a set of principles and values that focuses on driving the highest levels of performance year after year.

What does it mean to be a high-performance business?

How do you define success? DAVID BROCK explains the characteristics that define high-performance businesses. Read more »

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