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Search Results - Business, wedding

your search of 'Business, wedding' has 6 results.

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In the ultra-competitive world of jewellery sales and marketing, stores are always looking for new and innovative strategies to stay one step ahead of their competitors.

The importance of customer engagement in digital marketing

Reluctant to take your business online? ALEX FETANAT offers advice on how your business can benefit from well-thought-out digital marketing. Read more »
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. | Source: Shutterstock

Purpose: What does your business stand for?

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. MALCOLM SCRYMGEOUR asks an important question – what is your purpose? Read more »
Quality is an interesting word in business. We toss it around when discussing products, describing them as ‘high quality’ or lacking it altogether. But what is the meaning of quality? | Source: Adobe Stock

What does quality mean to your customers?

Most businesses believe they offer customers a quality experience. JEANNIE WALTERS encourages you to question how true that is. Read more »

Winning the customer service battle: Part I

Creating and delivering consistently good customer service is a battle that happens every day right on your sales floor. RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER share important advice on maximising your sales opportunities in 2023. Read more »

Quick fix training tips for outstanding customer care

When it comes to retail, fewer things matter more than providing quality customer service. KIZER & BENDER offer practical ways to improve the impression left upon customers. Read more »

Looking back to make the most of what’s ahead

Sometimes the best way to predict the future when it comes to market change and adaptation is to study the past. BRYAN PEARSON examines the lessons learned in 2021 and how they may impact 2022 as it continues to unfold. Read more »

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