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Search Results - Editor's Desk, Industry Associations

your search of 'Editor's Desk, Industry Associations' has 13 results.

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Can a new broom sweep clean at the JAA?

What does a new year hold in store for the Jewellers Association Australia? COLEBY NICHOLSON hopes a new president will mean dramatic changes, including the association talking to people!  Read more »

What is the future of the Jewellers Association?

It's been relatively quiet over the past six months when it comes to industry politics. However, COLEBY NICHOLSON says that while the noise has subsided, the dissatisfaction hasn’t. Read more »

Editor's Desk
Long road ahead for the JAA

The 2017 Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) Jewellery Tradeshow has been cancelled and although the writing was on the wall for some time, COLEBY NICHOLSON says the association’s problems are not yet over. Read more »
<em>Jeweller</em> looks at the <em>Hits & Misses</em> of the jewellery industry in 2014

Jeweller's Hits & Misses 2014

After another “interesting” year in the Australian and New Zealand jewellery industries, COLEBY NICHOLSON reviews the past 12 months with his annual list of highs and lows. Read more »

Editor's Desk
More changes needed at jeweller's association

After a tumultuous couple of years, the JAA is undergoing change but COLEBY NICHOLSON believes there needs to be a complete review of the CEO position and the office. Read more »
Salvador Dali: The Persistence of Memory

Editor's Desk
Time for a change at Jewellers Association

Australian business has undergone dramatic change over the past 5-10 years, but COLEBY NICHOLSON asks how relevant are industry associations in today’s business environment? Read more »
Too low, too high - it's hard to know what the right thing is sometimes

Jeweller’s prices too low, says customer

Jewellery valuation certificates continue to cause problems for the industry. COLEBY NICHOLSON was recently contact by a jeweller whose customer complained about his prices being too low! Read more »
How many fairs is too many? Well as it goes, 'Advance Australia Fair(s)...'

Editor's Desk
How many jewellery fairs is too many?

How many jewellery fairs does Australia need? How about 6? Or maybe 5! And when should they be scheduled? COLEBY NICHOLSON explores the issues with Mr Market.  Read more »
<em>Jeweller</em> looks at the <em>Hits & Misses</em> of the jewellery industry in 2011

Jeweller's Hits & Misses 2011

After a difficult year, COLEBY NICHOLSON reviews the past 12 months with his list of the jewellery industry’s ‘Hits and Misses’.  Read more »
Just as the international jewellery industry has evolved, so too have the international trade fairs, adapting to the shifting needs of jewellery buyers. | Source: Baselworld

Editor's Desk
Make a (jewellery) pilgrimage to BaselWorld

Just as the jewellery industry is changing, so too are the international trade fairs. COLEBY NICHOLSON says the focus has now firmly shifted to Asia, except for BaselWorld of course!
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If your business is struggling, the first place to look is in the mirror rather than across the road. | Source: Adobe Stock

Editor's Desk
Jewellers should look in the mirror first

There’s been a growing disenchantment within the jewellery industry. For many years it has largely been suppliers who have been disheartened with the industry’s direction but it seems the malaise has been spreading with some retailers blaming consumers for their woes. Read more »
I had a dream last night. Or was it a nightmare? | Source: Freepik

Editor's Desk
I had a dream

The jewellery industry is lobbying the Australian government to resume collecting statistics. COLEBY NICHOLSON recalls a dream he had a few years ago. Or was it a nightmare?  Read more »
A unified and harmonious industry is far more advantageous than a fragmented one. | Source: Adobe Stock

Editor's Desk
Dangerous ideas for Kiwi jewellers

Following on from his detailed analysis of some of the challenges facing the New Zealand jewellery industry, COLEBY NICHOLSON turns his attention to a solution for a unified and cohesive industry.   Read more »

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