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Search Results - NCDIA

your search of 'NCDIA' has 6 results.

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Diamond industry at a strange and extraordinary crossroad

Russia’s status as a leader in the jewellery industry has been one of the most talked about issues of 2022 in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine in February. ROBERT BOUQUET provides an update on the current trading environment. Read more »

The synthetic diamond problem for fancy colour diamonds – Part II

Owing to the rise of synthetic diamonds, the trade in fancy colour stones is no longer clear cut, writes Dr Thomas Hainschwang. Read more »

2021 – The Year when The Diamond Industry Rebounded

The worldwide diamond industry is going through a heightened state of recovery from COVID, but will it continue to sustain the trend throughout 2022? ROBERT BOUQUET provides a profound perspective. Read more »

The synthetic diamond problem for fancy colour diamonds – Part I

Synthetic diamonds are still a hot topic debated across the industry and the media. How did they become so prominent, and what caused the sudden rise of synthetic diamonds? DR THOMAS HAINSCHWANG explores.  Read more »

International Diamond Market Snapshot – October 2021

As the world begins to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, Robert Bouquet provides a snapshot on the exciting times ahead. Read more »

International Diamond Market Snapshot – August 2021

In this latest NCDIA report, ROBERT BOUQUET covers key events and developments through July to August, and provides some insight into the near-future of the diamond trade.  Read more »

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