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Search Results - Chris Petersen

your search of 'Chris Petersen' has 12 results.

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Marketing efforts should focus on a customer’s second purchase.

Why second is better than first when it comes to sales

A customer’s second purchase with your business is the most critical part of the buying journey – and this should be the focus of your marketing strategy, writes CHRIS PETERSEN. Read more »
The new product is customer experience

Tips on Selling
Forget the 4P's of marketing - meet the 4E's

Extraordinary times call for adaptive retailing solutions. CHRIS PETERSEN reveals the new paradigm for selling in the omnichannel age – and how you can maximise your results by shifting to a different service framework. Read more »

Tips on Selling
Logging onto the Internet of Things

The internet of things can offer insights into what customers really care about. CHRIS PETERSEN reveals how retailers can leverage this emerging technology sector for a more effective selling strategy. Read more »
Retailers are facing the rise of bots.

How to survive the “Battle of the bots”

Online mega-retailers have integrated technology that attacks and blocks competitors. Every independent retailer should understand these tactics and how they affect the bottom line, says CHRIS PETERSEN. Read more »

Secret sauce for increased store conversion

Behind every good store is a good manager and behind every good manager is a good process. CHRIS PETERSEN discusses how managers can improve their team’s sales conversions by using service to enhance the in-store experience. Read more »

Tips on Selling
What happens to Point Of Sale in an online world?

Customers are evolving and retail metrics must evolve with them if retailers are to leverage the information they need in an omni-channel marketplace. CHRIS PETERSEN reports. Read more »

Feature Stories
Multi-channel retail models that work

Consumers want online shopping to be more like bricks-and-mortar shopping and vice versa. CHRIS PETERSEN looks at the importance of the customer experience in multi-channel retailing. Subscription required. Read more »

Feature Stories
The case for why many traditional retailers struggle

One only needs to look at the headlines to see that many retailers are struggling. CHRIS PETERSEN says the biggest challenge for traditional retailers is their legacy of store success. Subscription required. Read more »

Feature Stories
Three reasons why retail is tougher today

The rise of multi-channel retailing means there are more demands than ever on retailers to satisfy growing consumer preferences for customised shopping experiences. CHRIS PETERSEN reports. Read more »

Feature Stories
The ‘unstore’: fad, fiction or future of retail?

As retailers clamour to rethink retailing in the multi-channel age, CHRIS PETERSEN believes businesses should give great thought to rethinking what it means to be a store. Subscription required. Read more »
Great theatre and customer experiences have a lot in common. Image courtesy: Flickr/jonhmagagnin. Edited from original

Tips on Selling
Walt Disney’s lessons for jewellers

Customer experience is crucial in today’s consumer-centric environment. CHRIS PETERSEN discusses the ingredients that make for strong experiences and what retailers can learn from the entertainment industry. Read more »
Harold Lloyd dangling from a large clock in his iconic scene from Safety Last!, a 1923 silent romantic comedy.

Feature Stories
Can your store survive the next decade?

Retail is predicated on well-established habits but breaking free of these is imperative for retailers looking for ways to engage the new breed of consumers. CHRIS PETERSEN reports. Subscription required. Read more »

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