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Search Results - Rich Kizer and Georganne Bender

your search of 'Rich Kizer and Georganne Bender' has 12 results.

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Retailers are some of the most resilient people in the world. There is no limit to what you can do when you put your mind to it.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part III

When did you last reflect on your marketing strategy? GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER return for the final chapter of this series. Read more »
The time has come to embrace a new strategy.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part II

The time has come to embrace a new strategy. GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER continue the series on marketing makeovers. Read more »
People tend to return to stores because of how they feel in a particular location, and more often than not, how they feel about a store involves the people who work there.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part I

Is your business ready for change? GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER encourage you to embrace a new marketing strategy at your store. Read more »
Swim against the tide, don't be afraid of being controversial and putting in the hard work, and you will see long term results. | Source: Adobe Stock

Simple ways to improve your selling mindset when you're swimming against the tide

When faced with the challenge of running a jewellery store, it’s easy to fall into a rut. RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER explore simple fixes for struggling salespeople. Read more »

Quick fix training tips for outstanding customer care

When it comes to retail, fewer things matter more than providing quality customer service. KIZER & BENDER offer practical ways to improve the impression left upon customers. Read more »
Every jeweller should have a ‘Never Out’ list of stock.

Tips on Selling
Six big ideas to increase sales

Running a jewellery business is one thing and ensuring the business is adaptive to the changing times is another. KIZER & BENDER provide useful tips on using ideas to improve sales. Read more »
The first discount is the cheapest, so make sure you time it right.

How to move the stock that just isn’t selling

There are several retail strategies you can implement to get your slow-moving product out the door, write RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER. Read more »
Retailers must do more to attract and close every sale.

Six simple and effective selling tips you can implement right now

While some aspects of your business have undoubtedly had to change and adapt to the new reality of retail, there are other elements that you can’t afford to neglect, advise RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER. Read more »

Brand aid: how to build brand equity for your business

The way your business is perceived by potential customers can be the difference between making a sale or losing it to a competitor – and the key to controlling that perception is branding, advise RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER. Read more »

How to compete with your biggest competitors

Don’t be afraid of, or dismiss, your competitors, write RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER. Instead, ask yourself what you can learn from your retail rivals. Read more »
The Wright brothers ignored doubters

Intelligent ignorance; positive results

Thinking outside the square is easier said than done, but RICH KIZER and GEORGANNE BENDER have some advice about how intelligent ignorance can produce positive outcomes. Read more »
Ask customers for suggestions on how to improve service

Refresh your customer service

Retailers can obtain useful information when asking customers for suggestions. RICH KIZER & GEORGANNE BENDER call it their big question: “What one thing could we do to improve our customer care?” Read more »

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