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Search Results - Jeannie Walters

your search of 'Jeannie Walters' has 13 results.

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Any successful AI implementation requires you to have a clear purpose and measurable goal. What do you intend AI to accomplish?

Take customer experience to a new level: Part II

Artificial Intelligence has changed the retail game. JEANNIE WALTERS reveals why it’s important to stay on top of evolving trends. Read more »
Understanding AI is not just about keeping pace with technology; it’s about leading the charge in innovation and personalisation and advocating for customers simultaneously.

Take customer experience to a new level: Part I

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping retail. JEANNIE WALTERS explains how your business can benefit from AI programs. Read more »
Quality is an interesting word in business. We toss it around when discussing products, describing them as ‘high quality’ or lacking it altogether. But what is the meaning of quality? | Source: Adobe Stock

What does quality mean to your customers?

Most businesses believe they offer customers a quality experience. JEANNIE WALTERS encourages you to question how true that is. Read more »
The peak-end rule, introduced by academics in the 1990s, suggested that people are much more likely to remember a highlight of an event that occurs at either the beginning or the end of a journey.

How do you treat your customers after they leave?

Customers may come and go. JEANNIE WALTERS says that the impression your business leaves on a customer can live forever. Read more »
Utilise root cause analysis and customer journey-mapping.

Prepare your business to face the expected unexpected

2021 was another year of uncertainty for retailers due to the global pandemic. However, despite the challenges, there was still plenty of opportunities to improve your business, and lessons to take into the future, JEANNIE WALTERS explains. Read more »

Reduce customer churn: 5 ways to understand at-risk customers

Oddly enough, customers who are close to ‘leaving’ your business can be very valuable, but only if you know how to recognise them. JEANNIE WALTERS reports Read more »

What customers want next: Decoding the clues

Jeannie Walters offers strategies for businesses as they adapt for the future retail environment – and rapidly shifting consumer behaviour. Read more »
The smallest moments can have a large impact on sales success.

Tips on Selling
The importance of ‘micro-moments’ – or, why you should sweat the small stuff

When it comes to customer service, the smallest details can be the difference between making the sale and losing a customer, writes JEANNIE WALTERS. Read more »
Customers are more loyal to businesses they know and trust.

Three golden rules for investing in relationships with customers

Giving attention to the relationship between your business and its customers pays dividends, writes JEANNIE WALTERS, who advises on the simple ways to keep your store in high regard. Read more »
Identifying and rewarding your best customer service employees is critical.

Tips on Selling
Are you making the most of your customer service superstars?

For some employees, providing outstanding customer service comes naturally – and their talents can be used to enhance your whole team, writes JEANNIE WALTERS. Read more »
Don’t shy away from negative feedback

Why bad feedback is the best feedback

When it comes to your business, some opinions can be very hard to hear – but JEANNIE WALTERS explains why it’s actually best to bite the bullet and accept all feedback, no matter how bad it sounds at first. Read more »
The event of an angry customer can become an opportunity to build a stronger relationship.

Tips on Selling
You can win big when customers are furious

Ever had to deal with a customer who was really angry? It generally takes a lot for people to get red-in-the-face mad but JEANNIE WALTERS says staff who get to the root cause of the issue will learn from the experience. Read more »
Evaluate. innovate. repeat – a mantra for customer satisfaction

Tips on Selling
The mass extinction of loyal customers

The customer experience is everything and retail stores that can’t provide it will haemorrhage sales. What about consumer loyalty? Forget it. Loyalty is dead. Jeannie Walters reports. Subscription required. Read more »

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