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Nationwide Jewellers | 2020 Buying Groups Report

» What are the prerequisites for joining?

We consider applications from any jewellery store, including those that specialise in design and manufacture, providing they are not too close to an existing member. Nationwide’s team of industry experts, extensive resources and technology systems allows us to effectively deliver our range of benefits and services to retailers, including the 450-plus stores in our group.

» What are the benefits of joining?

For nearly 30 years, our team has been providing members with the resources and information to achieve best practice in the jewellery industry. We guarantee that members will be financially better off with our trade discounts and no-fees structure.

In retail, it is essential to promote your strengths, which is why all of our marketing resources are aimed at supporting and reinforcing the independence of our members, as well as custom design and manufacture.

We also provide a huge range of resources covering merchandise, product knowledge, human resources, training, business planning and more. Most are available through our business college and website.

At Nationwide, we work hard to help our members in all aspects of their business, and we welcome the opportunity to show what we can do. We add significant value to an independent jeweller’s business, at no cost, and without risk.

» What unique benefits are offered?

Our comprehensive Antwerp marketing plan and resources have delivered millions in additional diamond sales for our members, including two members who made pre-trip diamond sales of more than $200,000. Over the past 20 years our members have, collectively, made in excess of a thousand trips to Antwerp.

More than 100 Nationwide members have attended our one-day Retail Jewellery Business Management Course. The ten modules cover key aspects of retail that are essential for increasing market share and profitability in difficult trading conditions. The course is valued at $5,000 but is free for members.

"For nearly 30 years, our team has been providing members with the resources and information to achieve best practice in the jewellery industry. We guarantee that members will be financially better off"
Colin Pocklington, Nationwide Jewellers

Our trademarked Custom Design Jewellers program also helps generate additional business through custom makes and remodelling.

» What are your major achievements over the past two years?

Our new digital platform, launched in late 2019, provides websites that can be personalised to suit each member’s business. Members can feature and sell their own stock and can create their own e-marketing material for use in social
media and on their website, as well as build supporting e-catalogues.

In addition, our upcoming diamond directory will make buying and selling diamonds a lot easier. Members will have more than 20,000 diamonds to choose from and show to their customers via the retail-focused front end.

» Has your traditional marketing changed in the past two years?

There has been a much stronger focus on digital marketing, including social media and websites. Our national campaigns on the YouTube platform have also been highly successful in promoting Antwerp diamonds and custom design for members.

» How have you improved your B2C and social media marketing strategy? 

At our June conference we will be demonstrating the functionality of our new digital platform that allows members to create their own marketing. The keynote speaker at our conference will be Crystal Vilkaitis from Crystal Media, one of the world’s foremost experts in social media marketing for independent retailers. Crystal will also be running an advanced workshop on Facebook advertising.

Our in-house graphic artists are also continually expanding our library of social media material – a free service which is available to all members.

» How have you improved your B2B and internal technology?

With the assistance of our preferred suppliers, we have been populating our new e-warehouse with product and images. Members will soon be able to use it to extract the images for their websites, social media and e-marketing. They will also be able to use this B2B channel to order products directly from suppliers.

» What other promotional support do you offer members?

Alongside our marketing team, our two in-house graphic designers are available to help members build marketing support for campaigns, displays, and sales, and fulfil any other design need that a member might have. There are also numerous promotions downloadable at any time from our website.

» How do you support local jewellery manufacturers?

Manufacturers can promote their products directly to members via our online portal. They can also promote their products in our e-warehouse and, soon, in our diamond directory. Additionally, our annual conferences attract around 200 members, ensuring a highly successful buying event for local manufacturers.

» What is the cost of membership?

There are no joining fees, administration fees, agency fees, or technology fees, and no security deposits. We do not charge fees of any kind. A membership with Nationwide is entirely free.

» How have you improved your training and education over the past two years?

Apart from our one-day business management course, we also run seminars and workshops at our annual conference, and at the International Jewellery & Watch Fair in Sydney. We also provide education for members and their staff to improve their sales skills and jewellery-specific knowledge, with diamond grading workshops and access to Gemological Institute of America (GIA) courses.

Nationwide Jewellers



'2020 Buying Group Report' Contents » 

2020 Buying Groups Report: strength in numbers
By Coleby Nicholson


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