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Search Results - David Brown

your search of 'David Brown' has 72 results.

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A business that meets the fundamental human needs is more likely to thrive and create lasting value for all stakeholders.

Understanding the six basic human needs

We’re not so different, you and I. DAVID BROWN outlines the fundamental desires of customers and employees. Read more »
Passing a business comes with many challenges, and it’s just a matter of your successors' competence or spending habits.

Planning for the future: The secret to successful succession

Who will sit on the throne when you’re gone? DAVID BROWN explains the importance of a smooth transition. Read more »
Overcoming inertia in business is a continuous journey that requires commitment and leadership. | Source: Adobe Stock

Overcoming inertia in your jewellery business

Is your jewellery business stuck in a rut? DAVID BROWN reveals the secret to breaking free from the bad habits in your business. Read more »
Love him or hate him; there is no doubting the tremendous success and understanding that Elon Musk has achieved over the last 30 years in business. | Source: New Scientist

Five lessons you can learn from a high-profile business leader

What can we learn from one of the most talked about people on Earth? DAVID BROWN reflects on the practices of an influential businessman. Read more »
In the competitive landscape of the jewellery industry, a store's success often hinges on its staff's expertise and skills.

Products and sales: For your business, it's a game of two halves

What’s the difference between product and staff training? DAVID BROWN explains the crucial distinction between two essential elements of retail. Read more »
The busiest period of the year is upon us, and as overwhelming as it can be, it is also the most profitable time of the year – and you must be prepared. | Source: Freepik

December is nearly here – are you ready?

Are you ready to make the most of the busiest stretch? DAVID BROWN encourages you to be well-prepared for the holiday trading period. Read more »
Your business will have several loyal customers responsible for driving a significant percentage of your sales, and responsible for advocating your business to others. | Source: Freepik

Selling: Everything starts from a solid core

The foundation of every successful jewellery store is a solid core. DAVID BROWN reveals how an understanding of the basic principles of sport can improve your store’s sales. Read more »
Strong business leadership is a vital part of every successful company. A team with strong, skilled leadership is more likely to be productive than one without.

Diving deep into the personality traits of great business leaders

What does it mean to be a strong leader in a business setting? DAVID BROWN explores the common traits shared by jewellery industry trendsetters. Read more »
Networking is a great way to identify business best practices or industry benchmarks. Learning from what others do is a valuable strategy for all businesses. | Source: iStock

Networking for small business owners is crucial to relationship building

Successful businesses are constructed off the back of fruitful relationships. DAVID BROWN discusses the importance of networking for small business owners. Read more »
It’s a phenomenon that highlights the value of providing consistency to your customers. | Source: Shutterstock

The value of giving your customers certainty

Customers crave certainty and predictability from the businesses they interact with. DAVID BROWN  reveals the hidden value of reliability. Read more »

The secret to keeping your staff motivated

Hiring the ‘best’ staff and maintaining motivation can be a significant challenge. DAVID BROWN details a bulletproof system for getting the process right. Read more »

Challenges are good for you and good for your business

Whether we call them problems, headaches, dilemmas, or issues, at the end of the day we still must deal with them. DAVID BROWN shares practical advice for overcoming unexpected issues in business. Read more »
Are you focusing your business life in an area that will provide you with what you want – both in terms of satisfaction and financial rewards?

Planning a business reset

Resetting seems to have become the buzzword of choice in the past two years. DAVID BROWN explains how to perform a successful internal review of a business. Read more »
What will you be doing to attract customers to your store this year?  How will you differentiate yourself from the competition?

Why not make this Christmas the best ever?

Good fortunes await many businesses in the holiday period.
DAVID BROWN highlights the importance of preparation prior to December trading. Read more »

Feature Stories
The three forms of retail success

With uncertainty on the horizon, the time has come for retailers to plan for ways to promote internal growth. DAVID BROWN shares three important approaches to promote improvement from within a business. Read more »

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