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Search Results - Barry Urquhart

your search of 'Barry Urquhart' has 18 results.

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Productivity shortfalls prevail with Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.

Artificial Intelligence: Over-capitalised and under-utilised

Interested in introducing Artificial Business to your business but need help figuring out where to begin? BARRY URQUHART explains the importance of strategy. Read more »
AI is fundamentally a tool that complements existing human, systemic, and structural resources. It does not and should not be employed to replace them. Operating in or from a void is hollow.

Artificial Intelligence: One step at a time

Embracing emerging technology is exciting; however, we must proceed with caution. BARRY URQUHART encourages you to think before you consider implementing AI programs into your business. Read more »
Dreaming big means having the courage and ambition to set yourself a goal that may seem impossible or out of reach. | Source: School Specialty

If only: Don’t be afraid to make an exhibition of yourself

Don’t be afraid to dream big. BARRY URQUHART discusses the importance of promoting your business in a post-pandemic retail landscape. Read more »
An untapped market of previous purchasers may be lost in your database.

Looking for – and finding – a business’ ‘lost customers’

While many businesses focus on new customer acquisition, BARRY URQUHART extolls the bene ts of re-engaging past shoppers who may have been forgotten. Read more »
Rainy-day planning still matters even when the storm passed.

Retailers can’t afford to ignore the business lessons of 2020

The economic bounce-back from COVID-19 is well underway, but BARRY URQUHART cautions those who do not heed the permanent changes to the market – and consumers’ expectations. Read more »
Post-COVID, consumer psychology has seen a profound shift.

Adapting marketing strategies to the changing patterns of consumer behaviour

During and post-COVID, consumers have been exhibiting unfamiliar buying patterns. For retailers, it’s a case of same, same, but different – and the approach to marketing should reflect that, says BARRY URQUHART. Read more »
Re-think your consumer and their needs

Advertising Report
Advertising isn't the problem - marketing is

Before blaming poor advertising for a lack of sales, retailers should scrutinise the category and the consumer of their products, then adjust their strategy and creative brief accordingly, BARRY URQUHART advises. Read more »
Great people attract other high achievers

The challenge of retaining great staff

An enterprise is only as good as its people. Seeking exceptional workers will not only improve outcomes but also influence other staff to elevate the company culture, writes BARRY URQUHART. Read more »
In retail, customer service comes first

Tips on Selling
When customer service is unshackled

It’s not enough for a business to offer customer service – it should be customer-centric from the top down. BARRY URQUHART explores how corporate culture must evolve to put customer-service skills first. Read more »
Are discounts really worth it?

Tips on Selling
The hidden cost of discounting

It’s the oldest trick in the book – retailers who lower their prices will increase their sales. The concept seems simple enough, but BARRY URQUHART questions whether it works, and if it’s really worth it. Read more »
Get the message out loud and clear

Tips on Selling
Grab your customers’ attention!

In an age of instant communication, impersonal communications fail to impress consumers – instead, business owners must grab and hold shoppers’ attention, writes BARRY URQUHART. Read more »
Personalised customer service is key

Tips on Selling
How small businesses can prosper in the Amazon era

The emergence of global mega-retailers on the Australian market doesn’t have to spell doom for traditional retailers. BARRY URQUHART discusses the importance of building a service culture. Read more »
Think hard before cutting resources

Don’t become invisible when cutting costs

Cutting resources might seem like a good idea when looking to shave costs but BARRY URQUHART reports businesses must be aware that such action can damage their market visibility and hurt their sales. Subscription required. Read more »
Customer service is no longer enough in this market

Who needs customer service these days?

Traditional customer service has given way to the pursuit of an overall customer experience. The winners of customer loyalty will be businesses that provide the ambiance its customers seek. Barry Urquhart reports. Subscription required. Read more »
Ongoing relationships are imperative

Tips on Selling
Differentiate customers from consumers

Most small businesses might believe they offer great service but customers often disagree. Barry Urquhart says this is because stores fail to build relationships, which is costing them repeat sales. Subscription required. Read more »

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