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Search Results - Tips on Selling, wedding

your search of 'Tips on Selling, wedding' has 10 results.

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Quality is an interesting word in business. We toss it around when discussing products, describing them as ‘high quality’ or lacking it altogether. But what is the meaning of quality? | Source: Adobe Stock

What does quality mean to your customers?

Most businesses believe they offer customers a quality experience. JEANNIE WALTERS encourages you to question how true that is. Read more »

Tips on Selling
How to build sales with clienteling

In a globally competitive marketplace, the ability to affordably generate extra sales is an ever-increasing challenge for most jewellers. DAVID BROWN discusses the importance of ‘clienteling’ as a sales strategy. Subscription required. Read more »
Suppliers are offering retailers pre-made packages for promotion

Bridal & Engagement Trends
The whole bridal kit and caboodle

The bridal market continues to play a vital role for many – if not all – jewellery businesses. It’s also one of the most competitive, meaning retailers need to ensure they’re attracting consumers with points of difference and expert knowledge. Read more »
Pinterest can help generate jewellery sales

Tips on Selling
How to sell jewellery with pinterest

It cannot be argued that jewellery’s greatest appeal is its visual aesthetic, so what better way to promote it than through a social media site that shares the same allure? Pinterest offers product promotion through sheer visual delight. Read more »

Feature Stories
Pulling power of promotions

Faced with a choice between a store with a reputation for no-fuss low prices and an exciting destination with quality products, Jeff Salton finds it’s a no-brainer.  Subscription required. Read more »

Feature Stories
Tap into your feminine side

Retailers who ignore female buying patterns do so at their own peril. The fairer sex is estimated to make 80 per cent of all purchasing decisions, as Emily Mobbs discovers. Subscription required. Read more »

34 ways to increase sales in tough times

Consumers have money but they’re just not opening their wallets, right? Whether it’s continuing nervousness over the global financial crisis or people just being cautious, many retail sectors are struggling. Try these ideas to increase sales. 
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Use your data to get to know your customers. They don't have to remain bits of information on your computer.

Tips on Selling
Database to Data-face: Know your customers

Want to know how to effectively market your jewellery business and engage your customers? Get to know your customers with the right data – you’ll be surprised with your sale results. Subscription required. Read more »
Successful sales of bridal jewellery will lead to positive diviends for jewellers

Tips on Selling
4 tips to increase bridal sales

Would you like to increase bridal jewellery sales? Before you can do that you should understand what men and women are looking for in a diamond ring. They see things differently and therefore shop differently.  Subscription required. Read more »

Tips on Selling
Don’t look for new customers!

Want to be counterintuitive? ALLAN KATZ suggests you should stop looking for new customers. Many retailers spend money constantly trying to attract new customers might have more success by concentrating on existing customers. 

Subscription required. Read more »

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