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From buried deep within the Earth’s surface and into stores and private collections worldwide, pink diamonds have captured the hearts and minds of jewellery designers and consumers. | Source: Calleija

Feature Stories
Pink diamonds: Celebrating the best of the best

Just as an artist works with the best available materials, jewellers enjoy creating jewellery with rare and elusive diamonds and gemstones. SAMUEL ORD speaks with jewellers about their passion for pink diamonds. Read more »
When it comes to insurance, jewellers have been forced to rethink their financial safeguards — whether it be accounting for the coverage associated with staff working from home more often or remaining conscious of the impact of an increased digital presence on their business.

Feature Stories
Peace of mind: Jewellery insurance under the microscope

Insurance might seem like a mundane administrative task to many business owners. SAMUEL ORD explains why it’s an important part of successful trading. Read more »
L to R: Mark Mcaskill; Nina's Jewellery; Gerrim; Orange River Diamonds; Ellendale Diamonds

Feature Stories
Rings of Distinction: How do jewellers make the right choice?

Consumers are spoiled for choice regarding rings; however, deciding what to offer can be a headache for retailers. SAMUEL ORD explains the importance of getting it right when it comes to rings. Read more »

Feature Stories
Does anything truly last forever?

The diamond industry faces an uncertain future. ROBERT BOUQUET details the many challenges the trade faces and proposes potential solutions. Read more »
A timeless symbol of prosperity and luxury, gold jewellery has been adored for thousands of years.

Feature Stories
Year of the dragon: Glory of gold

A timeless symbol of prosperity and luxury, gold jewellery has been adored for thousands of years. SAMUEL ORD explores the evolving world of gold jewellery trends. Read more »
The international diamond market has never been as complex as it is today. Many issues must be resolved, and forecasting the industry's future has become increasingly difficult. Source: De Beers

Feature Stories
A leap in the dark: Where will the diamond industry be in 12 months?

The diamond industry is facing challenges on many fronts. ROBERT BOUQUET outlines these issues and details possible solutions to secure the future of the trade. Read more »
Over the past three decades, consumers have increasingly turned to the Internet for shopping. The launch of eBay and Amazon in 1995, PayPal in 1998 and Apple Pay in 2014 were landmark moments.

Feature Stories
Off The Grid: Jewellers without a website

Business ‘experts’ and retail analysts constantly emphasise the importance of digital marketing. Why are so many of Australia’s independent jewellery retailers operating without a website? Read more »
The objective of the State of the Industry Report (SOIR) is to establish how many jewellery stores operate in Australia and compare this with data from previous reports to develop an understanding of the evolution and future of the industry.

Synopsis: What will you learn from this jewellery industry report?

To better understand the findings of the State of the Industry Report, it's important to be aware of the changes to the industry and how they affect the methodology. Read more »
Over the past decade, the retail landscape changed significantly for jewellers trading without a physical store. With increased access to consumers as a result of the pandemic, the success of these businesses raises intriguing questions about the future of retail.

Grey areas: Jewellers operating without a storefront

The retail landscape is constantly evolving and significant change occurred during the global pandemic. That was especially true for the jewellery industry, which saw some notable changes that required a comprehensive review of the sector. Read more »
The State of the Industry Report is largely an examination of history, what has happened and what events occurred over the past decade that shape the industry today.

Jewellery industry survey: Surprising results!

While this study deals with facts and figures, businesses are owned and managed by people. What do jewellers and suppliers say about the past, present, and the future? The 2024 State of the Industry Report included two surveys - one of retailers and the second of industry suppliers. The results were intriguing. Read more »
While the purpose of a major research project like the State of the Industry Report (SOIR) is to record history, it’s perhaps fitting to attempt to forecast a vision of the future.

Crystal Ball 2030: What does the future hold for the jewellery industry?

The astute know they cannot predict the future but will work hard to minimise surprises. The 2024 State of the Industry Report explores changes that the jewellery industry might expect before 2030? Read more »
Shopping centres play an integral role in both the retail sector and the national economy and are a powerful force in consumer behaviour.

Shopping centres: Frontline in the jewellery retail 'war'

Australia’s shopping centres are a towering figure in the retail sector. Over the past 20 years fine and fashion jewellery stores have played an integral part in their speciality store 'mix'. Read more »
The past decade has been a rollercoaster ride for fashion jewellery chains, defined by explosive expansions and dramatic collapses.

Fashion Jewellery Chain Stores: Rapid rise and dramatic demise

The past decade has been a rollercoaster ride for fashion jewellery chains, defined by explosive expansions and dramatic collapses. Read more »
While many other countries suffered an economic recession, Australia’s economy avoided a recession. However, the economy was impacted by high inflation - which led to repeated hikes in interest rates - consumer confidence was adversely affected, and discretionary spending took a knock.

Independent Jewellers: Still prospering despite a decline

It’s been said that one man’s misery is another man’s fortune. This philosophy may serve the jewellery industry well in the wake of a significant decline in independent retailers. Read more »
As part of the review of the Australian jewellery industry over the past 13 years, an analysis of the success and failures of the industry’s trade body – the Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) – was required.

Feature Stories
JAA: Legacy of past presidents and their achievements

The JAA’s structure is somewhat unique, which causes complexity in measuring its success. That said, in order to look to the future, one must recognise the success and failures of the past. Read more »

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