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Search Results - Sections, Monthly Overview

your search of 'Sections, Monthly Overview' has 29 results.

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The Great Diamond Debate: Round II

A lot has happened since our last Great Diamond Debate. In the last 12-months, the continuing brouhaha concerning natural versus lab-grown diamonds has become complex, turning into a latter-day ‘land grab’ for the hearts and minds of consumers. Read updates from industry leaders around the world weigh in on the debate. Read more »

The Great Diamond Debate

Six months after De Beer’s surprised the international jewellery industry by entering the synthetic diamond market, we explore whether the decision was a strategic move to ensure competitor innovation did not become blanket disruption or whether De Beers finally saw the light and realised lab-grown diamonds are not a menace after all?

Perhaps it’s even a little bit of both, or perhaps it doesn’t really matter anyway!

Our Great Diamond Debate might help you decide. Read more »

Hack the future of Aussie retail

When was the last time you reviewed your prices? Pricing is about assigning a fair value for not just a product but for all the services that come with it too. Read more »

10 tips for motivating jewellery staff

The key to success for any business is the right staff; however, difficult trading conditions could call for an employee review. Instead of trying to motivate people, the key is to inspire the motivated and remove the unmotivated. Read more »

Feature Stories
Can too much choice harm jewellery sales?

When there is too much product to choose from, consumers stop focusing on positive attributes and start looking for flaws. In fact, retailers could take a lesson on this subject from the world of online dating. Read more »

Feature Stories
Should you list prices on your website?

Whether to list your prices online is a tough decision, isn’t it? On the one hand displaying your prices can leave you feeling vulnerable but then pricing also can provide invaluable information to prospective customers. Read more »

What do jewellery customers really want?

Do you really know what your customers want? Recent studies show there is huge ‘disconnect’ between what customers want and what retailers think customers want. Are you losing sales as a result? Read more »

Can too much cash be a problem?

Most jewellers should be flush with cash in the first few months of the year, however, the scary reality is that it’s precisely at this time when retailers often jeopardise business profitability. Read more »

Feature Stories
The Very Best of Jeweller

It was a tough “gig”; select Jeweller’s very best stories from the past decade. No one anticipated how difficult this would be but we got there in the end. Here it is! Read more »

How to decrease your leasing costs

While rental reviews can be a sore point for jewellers, experts say a little knowledge about leasing laws can go a long way to knowing your rights and reducing your costs. Read more »
Source: Petite Grand

Feature Stories
Fashion jewellery scene shakeup

Bold, statement pieces have dominated the fashion jewellery landscape for years but a completely different aesthetic is beginning to mark its territory and consumers are taking note. Are you? Read more »

Feature Stories
Oh, no! Not the dreaded 'May I help you?'

Retail experts worldwide have advised against approaching a customer with, “May I help you?” So why do jewellery store staff continue with the practice? Read more »

Feature Stories
Selling jewellery takes more than a pretty face

Selling jewellery these days takes a lot more than a pretty face. In an era where social media reigns supreme, the job of a brand ambassador is far more complex than simply looking good. Read more »

Feature Stories
The jewellery revolution is here

Attention all jewellery industry members: times are changing and technology can no longer be ignored. Is it time you got on board the CAD/CAM revolution? Read more »

Secrets to selling silver jewellery

Silver jewellery is extremely popular across all age groups. Are you strengthening sales by tailoring marketing campaigns and selling techniques to each demographic? Read more »

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