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your search of 'Business' has 134 results.

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Millions of people did not wake up for work in early May because Apple failed to make the alarm on their iPhones work correctly.

Should you have become alarmed by Apple’s failure?

Technological failures often reveal ?aws in conventional wisdom. GRAHAM JONES encourages you to think outside the box. Read more »
People tend to return to stores because of how they feel in a particular location, and more often than not, how they feel about a store involves the people who work there.

Your business is ready for a marketing makeover: Part I

Is your business ready for change? GEORGANNE BENDER and RICH KIZER encourage you to embrace a new marketing strategy at your store. Read more »
A business that meets the fundamental human needs is more likely to thrive and create lasting value for all stakeholders.

Understanding the six basic human needs

We’re not so different, you and I. DAVID BROWN outlines the fundamental desires of customers and employees. Read more »
When it comes to communication, our language sends messages beyond the words themselves.

Are you talking to me?

Looking to improve your sales? Consider fine-tuning your approach to communication. DALE FURTWENGLER discusses the art of language. Read more »
High performance is not just a focus for this month, this quarter, or this year. It’s a mindset, a set of principles and values that focuses on driving the highest levels of performance year after year.

What does it mean to be a high-performance business?

How do you define success? DAVID BROCK explains the characteristics that define high-performance businesses. Read more »
Productivity shortfalls prevail with Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.

Artificial Intelligence: Over-capitalised and under-utilised

Interested in introducing Artificial Business to your business but need help figuring out where to begin? BARRY URQUHART explains the importance of strategy. Read more »
In the ultra-competitive world of jewellery sales and marketing, stores are always looking for new and innovative strategies to stay one step ahead of their competitors.

The importance of customer engagement in digital marketing

Reluctant to take your business online? ALEX FETANAT offers advice on how your business can benefit from well-thought-out digital marketing. Read more »
Passing a business comes with many challenges, and it’s just a matter of your successors' competence or spending habits.

Planning for the future: The secret to successful succession

Who will sit on the throne when you’re gone? DAVID BROWN explains the importance of a smooth transition. Read more »
There are many reasons why businesses treat customers poorly. One of the most common and costly explanations – and the easiest to fix – is a lack of understanding of the customers.

Want to make more sales? Understand your customers!

How well do you really understand your customers? MICHAEL HINSHAW encourages you to ask the big questions about your business. Read more »
Understanding why customers pick your brand over your competitors is vital to your brand’s longevity.

Consumer insights: Customer loyalty has changed

How can your business benefit from a loyalty program? ANASTASIA LLOYD-WALLIS discusses the evolving nature of loyalty programs. Read more »
AI is fundamentally a tool that complements existing human, systemic, and structural resources. It does not and should not be employed to replace them. Operating in or from a void is hollow.

Artificial Intelligence: One step at a time

Embracing emerging technology is exciting; however, we must proceed with caution. BARRY URQUHART encourages you to think before you consider implementing AI programs into your business. Read more »
Surveys can also be expensive. Although the prices have come down over the years, you will still need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a good survey done. | Source: Freepik

Deepen your understanding of your target market

How well do you know your customers? DAVE WAKEMAN reveals effective strategies for learning more about your target market. Read more »
Overcoming inertia in business is a continuous journey that requires commitment and leadership. | Source: Adobe Stock

Overcoming inertia in your jewellery business

Is your jewellery business stuck in a rut? DAVID BROWN reveals the secret to breaking free from the bad habits in your business. Read more »
Those who recognise the value of creating value with their customers, the importance of caring, and the value of helping the customer successfully navigate their buying process see something else. | Source: Getty Images

Customers need help, but do we want to be helpful?

Hoping to increase your sales this year? DAVID BROCK reveals the secret to mutual success between businesses and customers. Read more »
Employees look at leaders’ behaviour much more than they value their words. Communication and leadership decisions are essential.

How do you get your employees excited about helping customers?

As a business owner, actions speak louder than words. STEVEN VAN BELLEGHEM discusses the importance of making your business customer-centric. Read more »

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